Maybe this is a bug, maybe not, but i've certainly never seen it before...

i'm intentionally introducing SQL errors to test my JSON-side error
handling, and i found that this:

rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zSql, -1, &pStmt->pStmt, 0);

outputs to stderr when preparation fails.

i've never seen sqlite3 do that before. Is that normal? It interferes with
the JSON output:

stephan@tiny:~/cvs/fossil/fossil-sgb$ ./fossil json stat
./fossil: SQLITE_ERROR: near "(": syntax error
"resultText":"near \"(\": syntax error\nSELECT x count(*) FROM blob"

that first output line "shouldn't be there".

Is this a debug mode thing? (In which case i don't mind so much.)

----- stephan beal
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