Have ticket artifact automatically sync. The use case I'm considering is the 
following.Project is checked out with autosync off. Developer edits code and 
creates tickets. He want the changes made to tickets for new defects to 
autosync without commit his code changes.This could be accomplished by a 
setting  such$>fossil setting autosync <mask>|on|offwhere <mask> takes a form 
similar to chown mask< gtbwo> - g is global, t is ticket, b is blog, w is wiki 
and o is other values are 0 - autosync off 1 - autosync on for add/rm 2 - 
autosync on for push/pull 4 - autosync on + commit/updateeg.  autosync tickets, 
and add/rm of everything$>fossil setting autosync 14222                         
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