On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 08:50:01 +0000, Richard Hipp
<d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>The -y option (side-by-side diff) is a new feature since version 1.20.  It
>seems to me like I've been using it forever, so I guess that means its
>about time to do a new release, huh?

I downloaded the latest version (for Windows), and it seems like that
option isn't available yet:

C:\>fossil version
This is fossil version 1.20 [a75e2d2504] 2011-10-21 12:52:53 UTC

C:\>fossil help diff
Usage: C:\fossil.exe diff|gdiff ?OPTIONS? ?FILE1? ?FILE2 ...?

Show the difference between the current version of each of the FILEs
specified (as they exist on disk) and that same file as it was checked
out.  Or if the FILE arguments are omitted, show the unsaved changed
currently in the working check-out.

If the "--from VERSION" or "-r VERSION" option is used it specifies
the source check-in for the diff operation.  If not specified, the
source check-in is the base check-in for the current check-out.

If the "--to VERSION" option appears, it specifies the check-in from
which the second version of the file or files is taken.  If there is
no "--to" option then the (possibly edited) files in the current
are used.

The "-i" command-line option forces the use of the internal diff logic
rather than any external diff program that might be configured using
the "setting" command.  If no external diff program is configured,
the "-i" option is a no-op.  The "-i" option converts "gdiff" into

The "-N" or "--new-file" option causes the complete text of added or
deleted files to be displayed.

  --from|-r VERSION   select VERSION as source for the diff
  --new-file|-N       output complete text of added or deleted files
  -i                  use internal diff logic
  --to VERSION        select VERSION as target for the diff

Am I correct in understanding that "-y" means "retrieve the last
revisions of the file as temporary files"? If that's the case, that'd
be easier to use than "--from last --to previous".

Thank you.

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