Just about every time I get started on a new software tool, I revisit
the question of it will help me finally get my family photos under
control, regardless of whether or not it makes any sense. Storing large
numbers of pictures in subversion for instance, turned out to be a very
bad idea. 

Anyone else doing this?

There seems to be allot going for fossil for this use case:

-tool reuse
-offline / synchronized / backups
-authenticated wiki page

Based on about 20 minutes of experimentation, I would start by making
some import script, that given a directory of jpgs:

-use imagemagick's
command line tools to generate thumbnails and "browser size" versions. 

-add and commit to fossil

-then hit the fossil web interface to find out what urls/artifacts the
files (all three versions) where given (better way?)

-stub out a wiki page with just things like <a href="fossil relative url
for medium size version"><img src="fossil relative url for
thumbnail version></a>

Of course, in real use the fossil file would quickly become very large.
In the abstract, would this make any sense?
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