Looks like you still  have a stray _FOSSIL_ file in your C:\.



From: fossil-users-boun...@lists.fossil-scm.org
[mailto:fossil-users-boun...@lists.fossil-scm.org] On Behalf Of android
Sent: maandag 16 januari 2012 16:43
To: fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org
Subject: [fossil-users] problems........


Dear all
I didn't like to start this email in a negative manner but unfortunately I
will. I have spent 2 days trying to make fossil run in my windows xp

To start with someone must place a note that in windows paths must be
treated differently (WITHOUT BEEN A 100% SURE)
c:/P/prg1.fossil and not c:\P\prg1.fossil

I have stack on the followings
C:\P\prg1>fossil open c:\P\prg1.fossil
C:\WINDOWS\system32\fossil.exe: SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: vvar
C:\WINDOWS\system32\fossil.exe: no such table: vvar
REPLACE INTO vvar(name,value) VALUES('repository','c:/P/prg1.fossil'
Even if I removed the files _FOSSIL_ and prg1.fossil when I open the fossil
file I get the error.
To create a new one is ok (fossil init or new )

In the first attempt I had it looks like that I have places the P folter in
my document folder. Ever since nothing worked. (there is an open bug that
fossil does not work if it linked from this folder. I have removed the
folders and files changed names, move to c:\ but no luck)

If you have recently updated your fossil executable, you might
need to run "fossil all rebuild" to bring the repository
schemas up to date.
Updating does not do anything.

I also get this error, from the 
C:\WINDOWS\system32\fossil.exe: already within an open tree rooted at C:/
Even when is the first time trying to open a file

I had the best intentions to use fossil 
Why all the wired things happens to me, if the windows version was not
stable it would had been noted. 

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