On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> For some time now, the SQLite and Fossil websites have been running on the
> "retro-sbsdiff" branch of Fossil.  The retro-sbsdiff branch uses a vastly
> simplified format for the side-by-side diffs that omits all of the colors
> and decoration and provides plain-text output - essentially the same output
> as you would get on the command-line using the -y flag.  Example:
>    http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/21695c3476
> I find the "retro" side-by-side diff to be much more readable, which is
> why I am using it on the SQLite and Fossil websites, as well as on my
> desktop.  And I've heard no complaints from users about the retro sbsdiffs
> on the website. But before I merge the retro-sbsdiff branch into trunk (and
> hence purge the existing colorful sbs diff from the trunk) I thought I
> would as for community feedback.  Are there strong preferences one way or
> another?

I will miss the colors as I tend to rely on color in tools like tkdiff,
meld and xxdiff to give me a big picture view and to draw my eye to the
changes. The compressed summary (in the center scroll bar in tkdiff and on
the rhs in meld is extremely useful but I doubt that can be easily
replicated in fossil so maybe keeping it simple in the browser and leaving
the more powerful interface to external tools makes sense.

Just my $0.02

> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org
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