find attached a patch that allows to use HTML comments of the form
<!-- ..... --> in fossil wiki markup. This feature is especially handy
for embedded documentations written using a text editor of choice.
Comments allow to annotate wiki sources in meaningful way, comment out
portions of the text, keep TODO notes, etc.
I hope the patch does not break anything.

#### Fossil-SCM patch against trunk commit:
artifact: 937514b96854b8ba378850ebab10cd893fed5d75
size:     22483 bytes
tags:     trunk
type:     Check-in by drh on 2012-02-11 18:25:16
comment:  Further diff enhancements: Allow up to two diff-marks per line on a
          side-by-side diff.

Index: src/wikiformat.c
--- src/wikiformat.c~0	2012-02-12 12:18:07.000000000 -0500
+++ src/wikiformat.c	2012-02-12 11:06:45.000000000 -0500
@@ -404,10 +404,34 @@ static int wikiUsesHtml(void){
   static int r = -1;
   if( r<0 ) r = db_get_boolean("wiki-use-html", 0);
   return r;
+/** Deals with HTML comments <!--...-->
+ *  z points to '<' char. Returns number of chars in the HTML comment 
+ *  or -1 if markup is not a comment.
+ */
+static int markupLength_comment(const char *z){
+  if( strncmp(z, "<!--", 4) == 0 ){
+    int  n= 4; /* points one after "<!--" */
+    char c;
+    while( 1 ){
+      for( c=z[n]; c && c!='-'; c=z[++n] ); /* find next '-' */
+      if( c=='-' ){
+        if( strncmp(&z[n], "-->", 3) ){ 
+          return n + 3;
+        }else{
+          n++;
+        }
+      }else{
+        return -1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
 ** z points to a "<" character.  Check to see if this is the start of
 ** a valid markup.  If it is, return the total number of characters in
 ** the markup including the initial "<" and the terminating ">".  If
 ** it is not well-formed markup, return 0.
@@ -596,10 +620,14 @@ static int linkLength(const char *z){
 ** characters in that token.  Write the token type into *pTokenType.
 static int nextWikiToken(const char *z, Renderer *p, int *pTokenType){
   int n;
   if( z[0]=='<' ){
+    if( (n=markupLength_comment(z)) > 0 ){
+      *pTokenType= TOKEN_RAW;
+      return n;
+    }
     n = markupLength(z);
     if( n>0 ){
       *pTokenType = TOKEN_MARKUP;
       return n;

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