On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 18:49, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Leo Razoumov <slonik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What happens if an attacker can shun artifacts, rebuild database, edit
>> commit messages, events, tickets, etc?
>> Fossil sync might happily pull compromised items into a local repo.
>> Carefully crafted commit edits might disguise malicious actions.
>> Am I being paranoid:-)?
> When you pull in the revised content, the shuns done on the server will not
> typically be pulled over.  So when you run a timeline on your local repo
> (using "fossil ui") you'll see two completely separate lines of development
> - the legacy clean line and the bogus line inserted by the attacker.  Surely
> this will clue in that something is wrong.
> I guess the attacker could add artifacts that move the check-in times for
> the clean legacy checkins back in time to (say) 1970, where you are unlikely
> to notice them.  But even then, when you go to do your next commit, the
> commit will still attach to your legacy line of development, assuming you
> haven't done a "fossil update BRANCH" to some BRANCH that the attacker has
> redefined.

I typically do "fossil update trunk". So, I guess, in this case I am hosed.

> But even if you don't discover the attach right away, the immutable audit
> trail is still there in the repository.  So you can go back and see what
> happened.

This is good feature of fossil. Full chain of custody and a forensic trail.

> Be careful not to let the attacker trick you into pulling over the shunning
> list though.  If the attacker can shun, then they can do a lot of virtually
> undetectable damage.

"auto-shun" is enabled by default in any newly created fossil repo. Is
it a wise default choice?

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