I've got a bunch of Fossil repositories which I back up by doing:

fossil pull
fossil config pull all

I am now also encrypting the repos after backing up, and putting the
encrypted files on "Ubuntu One" for off-site failsafe backup.

The problem I am trying to solve is that I do NOT want to "synchronize"
a repo which has not changed; that is, I do not want to update the
encrypted file in the Ubuntu One sync folder -- since that is wasteful
of my bandwidth for no purpose.

What I had *hoped* would work, was to do "fossil sha" on the
repositories, and "fossil sha" again after the sync, and only copy files
whose SHA1 sums are different, thus minimizing both my processing time
and the network bandwidth.

Unfortunately, my current testing shows that doing the "fossil pull;
fossil config pull all" modifies the repository even when I know for
sure that there are no actual changes since the last sync.

What would you recommend as a method for accomplishing what I am trying
to do?

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