Hi, all,

The Fossil/JSON wiki editor has been split into 3 apps:


1) Wiki editor using fossil's built-in syntax. Inter-page links are
"broken" - they direct you back to the usual HTML link for the page.
(That's fixable, i just haven't done it.)

2) Wiki editor using Google Code syntax (rendered on the client).
Inter-page links work as expected.

3) Scratchpad/test-bed for various widgets being written to support this
type of app (e.g. file directory browser and various timeline views).

They all require an HTML5-capable browser and support the forward/back
buttons for navigating the wiki. The editor internally saves all changes
each time the editor field loses focus, so you can freely navigate while
editing without losing any changes (but if you leave the site, the changes
are lost, so don't navigate back too far!).

If you want to try them out on your own repos:

- See the README wiki page for how to set up apache.

- Search the HTML files for "Change this URL" and replace the URL to point
to your fossil CGI script (the one described in the README).

Happy Hacking!

PS: if anyone would like to port the HTML interface's timeline graphic to
JSON-with-a-canvas, i'd be more than happy to make any JSON API changes
needed to support that.

----- stephan beal
fossil-users mailing list

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