On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Matt Welland <estifo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmmm... I haven't tested from a fresh install in a while now that I think
> of it.There is likely something in my environment that masks the problem
> you are seeing.
> I'm having trouble with the fossil binary 1.22 downloaded from the
> official site. I think I need to build from scratch and don't have time
> right this sec, can you test the following commands and let me know if they
> work for you?
> fsl repo
> fsl repo ls
> Thanks,
> Matt
> -=-
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Michael Richter <ttmrich...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Um...  This is just utterly failing for me.  When I type "fsl" I get
>> bizarre messages.
I didn't see any issues when I ran in a fresh install. I did have to
compile fossil to get ssl working but that is unrelated.

One thing I do see is that "fossil commands" is mentioned in the default
help but there doesn't appear to actually be a "fossil commands" help

> Here's the repo information I've got:
>> $ fossil timeline
>> === 2012-03-28 ===
>> 20:23:06 [f005e8a101] *CURRENT* Removed mention of dbinit from help as it
>>          isn't needed any more (user: mrwellan tags: trunk)
>> 20:22:08 [75f4d3f79c] Added mention of pass-thru of fossil commands in the
>>          help (user: mrwellan tags: trunk)
>> 19:44:16 [048bd4bc30] Added FOSSILEXE variable to allow overriding of
>> where
>>          fossil comes from, set sqlite3 to default to version found on
>> path,
>>          added alias for ls to list (user: mrwellan tags: trunk)
>> === 2012-03-27 ===
>> 16:56:59 [8eb9dd6b23] Fixed broken initialization (user: mrwellan tags:
>> trunk)
>> === 2012-03-23 ===
>> 18:23:06 [111abefc7c] Added primitive pre and post hooks to repo create
>> and
>>          get. Added support for .fslcustom in the same dir as fsl (user:
>>          mrwellan tags: trunk)
>> 17:18:27 [5aa3c15c17] Added some hard coding to force find sqlite3 in
>> /usr/bin
>>          if it exists (user: mrwellan tags: trunk)
>> === 2012-02-23 ===
>> 18:58:13 [fe9b4b1aa4] Changes to wiki page [fsl wrapper] (user: mrwellan)
>> 18:50:27 [a9bee7027c] Changes to wiki page [Implemented work-arounds and
>>          fixes] (user: mrwellan)
>> 18:49:14 [b1f768ed47] Changes to wiki page [Implemented work-arounds and
>>          fixes] (user: mrwellan)
>> Here's what happens when I try to use it:
>> $ fsl
>> Usage: /usr/local/bin/fossil COMMAND ...
>>    or: /usr/local/bin/fossil help           -- for a list of common
>> commands
>>    or: /usr/local/bin/fossil help COMMMAND  -- for help with the named
>> command
>>    or: /usr/local/bin/fossil commands       -- for a list of all commands
>> $ fsl commands
>> /usr/local/bin/fossil: /usr/local/bin/fossil: unknown command: commands
>> /usr/local/bin/fossil: use "help" for more information
>> So what you're reporting for the UI is ... not what I'm seeing.
>> On 29 March 2012 04:26, Matt Welland <estifo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The fsl convienence wrapper has had a few updates and seems to be
>>> working pretty well for us. I'm announcing it (again) to the fossil list
>>> perchance it is of use to anyone else.
>>> Features:
>>> 1. "areas". Store your fossils in different directories, e.g. public,
>>> private, customera, etc. List the areas or fossils in each area. Our team
>>> is working with nearly 100 different fossils (and growing every day) over
>>> four or five "areas" so for us this is really helpful.
>>> 2. Eased creation and getting of repos, e.g.: "fsl repo get public
>>> scripts", this hides the clone/open cycle from users which makes ramping up
>>> on fossil much easier.
>>> 3. Simple, override-able set up actions, we use this to set the default
>>> "areas" for users and to set allow-symlinks in the global settings.
>>> Symlinks are a particularly troublesome issue for us and we need repos and
>>> users to always default to allow-symlinks.
>>> 4. Simple but very limited "hooks"
>>> 5. Misc tweaks; tweak timeline output to be Unix scriptaholic friendly,
>>> -f (force) for mv, hierarchical move that works like Unix
>>> "fsl" is just a simple bash script which should work on most Unixes with
>>> little to no install effort. It might work on Cygwin but I've not tested it.
>>> You can get it at: http://chiselapp.com/user/kiatoa/repository/fsl
>>> > fsl repo help
>>> The fsl convienence wrapper.
>>> Copyright (C) 2012 Matthew Welland, License GPL 2.0
>>> Usage: fsl repo cmd args
>>> Or:    fsl <fossil commands>
>>> where repo cmd is one of
>>>   ls
>>>   ls <area>
>>>   get <area> <reponame>
>>>   addarea <areaname> <path>
>>>   droparea <areaname>
>>>   create <areaname> <reponame> [-template templatename]
>>>   import <areaname> <reponame> <fossilfile>
>>> Also available, move with Unix semantics:
>>>   fsl mv src1 [src2 ...] targ
>>> Move with -f also does corresponding Unix mv
>>>   fsl mv -f src1 [src2 ...] targ
>>> Note: timeline and leaves output is de-wrapped
>>> More at: http://chiselapp.com/user/kiatoa/repository/fsl
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>> --
>> "Perhaps people don't believe this, but throughout all of the discussions
>> of entering China our focus has really been what's best for the Chinese
>> people. It's not been about our revenue or profit or whatnot."
>> --Sergey Brin, demonstrating the emptiness of the "don't be evil" mantra.
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