On 2012-04-23 18:25, Cunningham, Robert wrote:
I'm evaluating Trac vs. Fossil for use within our small engineering
FWIW, while searching for other implementations of similar
capabilities I stumbled across Wiky
(http://goessner.net/articles/wiky/ [2]), which could permit such a
feature to be implemented using only client-side code. (Not that
that's an issue for Fossil, where the entire local UI server is
"client side"!)



[1] http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracWiki
[2] http://goessner.net/articles/wiky/
The wiky thing will not render the same as fossil. probably confusing your non-technical persons even more!

maybe a webpage wiki_preview could be added which is in essence a call to wiki_convert. Then with a bit of ajax you can sent the buffer to the server and get the wiki stuff back.
The ajax thing could be small enough to fit in the header.

The short answer is it is not in fossil.

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