On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Nolan Darilek <no...@thewordnerd.info> wrote:
> Shame, I actually kind of liked that individual commits were preserved.
> Squashing and such was part of why I left Git. History should be preserved,
> whether you are working alone in private or in the open.

History is preserved in your private branch for your private perusal,
isn't it? To borrow some C++ lingo, it sounds like what you're looking
for might be better called a 'protected' branch. Or if necessary
disable auto-sync and publicly branch until you're done with it,
optionally on another clone of the repository. Or probably other
things I can't think of at the moment.

The desired functionality is there, just not the way you were
expecting it, probably.

Note: I don't mean for the above to come off terse or rude or
condescendingly. Just observing some other possible solutions that
haven't been mentioned yet that will publicly preserve history in a
way that works with the existing system.

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