On Thu, 31 May 2012 12:00:48 +1000
"Chen, Zon" wrote:

> - By default, there doesn't seem to be a feature to stop brute-force
> attacks on passwords, like a max-number-of-invalid-logins thing.  Are
> there ways to protect our user accounts from such attacks?

TLS/SSL (https) is the first step towards protecting password security
in all matters www. Even though this would be on top of the measures
fossil is taking to not send a password in clear text over the wire. I
think stunnel works on windows. Good question about the max number of
login attempts.

> - It would also be good to be able to limit Administrator access to
> only the local PC or local LAN, is there a way to do this?

You mean the administration of the fossil project right? Windows does
have file permissions, and the user that fossil is being run as is up
to you. Sadly this is so over complicated in windows that it can be
hard to say when everything is actually configured correctly. hint -
watch those inherited permissions! I'm only half joking when I say it's
easier to just learn linux. :)

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