Forgoing the sordid tale of why I had to do this, to commit changes
from a laptop, I had to copy my fossil project directories over to
another computer with functioning internet connectivity. Once there, I
tried a "fossil commit" only to be hit with a manifest file is
malformed error. Some searching yielded some talk on the list about
some mysteries about the error in the past. 

In my case the problem was apparently that fossil was storing absolute
file names, which were now different. So even though I didn't rename
any of my project files, fossil was afraid that it had lost track of a
rename or something to that effect. The solution was to mangle
directory names around until the project was using the same absolute
file names that existed on the laptop. 

Hey at least it's not like the time I opened the gates of hell with a
similar stunt involving linux -> windows raw directory copies with svn.

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