I would like to run Fossil for a project on Sourceforge. This would live
inside the project's CGI space.

Unfortunately Sourceforge doesn't support SSL for project websites. This
means that all Fossil communications would be in the clear. This isn't a
problem content-wise, as this is an open source project. But I don't
really want to push people's passwords over the public internet in the

Does Fossil use an authentication scheme that's safe to use in the
clear, such as CRAM-MD5?

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "Parents let children ride bicycles on the street. But parents do not
│ allow children to hear vulgar words. Therefore we can deduce that
│ cursing is more dangerous than being hit by a car." --- Scott Adams

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