On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 20:05:55 +0100, Bernd Paysan <bernd.pay...@gmx.de> wrote:

Am Samstag, 24. November 2012, 08:59:58 schrieb Richard Hipp:
So what should the output look like?  Suppose we implement a command:


Which searches all historical versions of files that match FILENAMEGLOB for
patterns that match REGEXP.  Suppose for concreteness that the regular
expression is "xyzzy" and the file is "ex1.txt".  If there are 1000
different revisions of ex1.txt, does it search them all looking for "xyzzy" and show each hit? Or did it stop going backwards in time at the first hit
it find?

Hm, I'd rather show first and last revision where xyzzy is in, something like

% fossil grep xyzzy ext1.txt
7c88a35016..cbaff03a91:ext1.txt:here we have the *xyzzy* string

If you grep through some edit war, you will have many start..stop start..stop

what you propose could easily be filter out from a full recursive search
backward through all revisions (and it would require such a search), right?
I would not think this to be the best default behaviour (1000 revisions
to process etc.). I think a "stop at first hit" default is more reasonable
(and maybe more often than not the standard use case)

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