On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 18:48:30 +0100,
Stefan Bellon <sbel...@sbellon.de> wrote:
> Just for example: In my case, fossil is used in an automated environment
> to store certain states of files. This is completely automated.

Then you are using fossil for a purpose for which it was not designed.
Lots of people use lots of VCS's for a similar purpose, for which (as
far as I know) none of them were designed. Not going to try to change
the universe here, but...

> Those commits of course could get the date/timestamp as commit message,
> but that would be redundant, so why should a commit message be forced
> in such automated environments? It does not make sense.

Since it is automated, why not automate the same one or two word message
for all the commits? I actually do that, in spite of what I said above,
but I also have a directory with some bits of code in it which may one
day be a program that _is_ designed for that :)

> Do not assume your workflow or setup for everybody else.

But you can still say something if they are using a claw-hammer to undo
a nut.

ms fnd in a lbry
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