On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Petr P <petr....@gmail.com> wrote:

>   Hi,
> I was looking at at
> http://www.fossil-scm.org/xfer/doc/trunk/www/stats.wiki and I was
> surprised to see that the clone bandwith for a project is less than the
> total compressed repository size. For example, for SQLite it's 23.2 MB
> network bandwith vs 33.2 MB repo size. How is that possible, when every
> clone is a complete copy and repositories are already compressed?

The repository contains additional information.  The repository file
contains private information which is not shared (user passwords, access
logs) and it contains precomputed and cached information that is derived
from the artifacts but which be difficult to compute on-demand, such as
list of check-ins, wiki pages, and tickets, and the relationships between
various files, and so forth - basically all of the information that gets
recomputed when you type "fossil rebuild".

The "fossil clone" command only move the minimum information necessary to
recompute the repository.  It then runs "fossil rebuild" to recompute the

>   Best regards,
>   Petr Pudlak
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