On 05/02/13 16:51, Stephan Beal wrote:
> LOL - i know that problem all too well ;). And my boss can unfortunately
> tell the difference between C and Java code :/.

It lives!


It's not very orthogonal. I didn't realise at first that the UUID in the
event/blob is, of course, the UUID of the *change* and not the ticket,
so I couldn't do a nice generic way to only show events for a specific
artifact, which means it needs ticket-specific code. The code is simple,


It probably also wants changes to the view ticket code to add [RSS feed]
to the menu, but that can wait until I see if anyone likes it. (The link
on the Calculon site above is part of the skin.)

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ "Of course, on a sufficiently small planet, 40 km/hr is, in fact,
│ sufficient to punt the elastic spherical cow into low orbit." ---
│ Brooks Moses on r.a.sf.c

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