You should have set your check-in date to something ridiculously early.
(One of the options when creating the repo for pushing.)  Since you didn't,
shun instead the "initial check-in".  When I did that to my hosted app it
worked fine.

On 17 February 2013 22:09, jim Schimpf <> wrote:

> Hi,
>         I am attempting to use the free Fossil hosting at
>  You can load repository's there and they do effectively a CGI host.  Works
> very well and thanks  and props to James for hosting the site.
>         There are some limits if you want to upload your repository is
> must < 8 meg and if you want to clone it, also it cannot be too large as
> the web page times out.
>         I have a 64Meg repository that I want on there, to do that you
> have to "fossil push" it there.  You create a repository  (using the Chisel
> web page) and get the project-code from your local version (fossil info -R
> <repo name>) and put that in the create so you can log in for the push.
>  Also you want to set the password just so you know it.
>         Next you push to the site with:
>         https://jschimpf:<password>@
> and then wait.
>         When done you can go the the above URL and login into your site.
>  You must also set up the site so it has the same Initial wiki page name as
> the original.  Then your wiki will show up on the pushed site.
>         After doing this I have my wiki, ticket and time line but I don't
> see any of the files.  I have also tried this locally doing a push on my
> local machine I have the same problem.  All the other stuff is there but no
> files.  The repository is as large as the original so the files are there
> but aren't accessible in the pushed version.  Doing a fossil open on the
> pushed repository works but no files in the new location.
>         What vital thing did I miss ?
>         Thanks for the help
>         --jim schimpf
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