
        I'm running the 32-bit version of XPSP3, whose "Add and Remove
Programs" show that I have "QQLite ADO.NET 2*0/3.5 Provider 1.065.0"
from Phoenix Software Solutions, LLC (http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com).

Now that SQLite.Ado.Net is handled by www.slite.org, what is the right
way to upgrade to the latest and greatest? 

The wiki says:

"1. The setup packages are intended to be installed only on developer
machines and then only when the design-time components for Visual
Studio are required. In theory, they can be installed on customer
machines as well; however, this type of deployment is not recommended.

2. The binary packages are intended to be used by developers in order
to obtain the assembly binaries necessary for development and
deployment of their applications onto customer machines via XCOPY
deployment. [...]
Using XCOPY deployment in conjunction with the native library
pre-loading feature, especially for customer machines, is highly

When do we need the design-time components? Which package should I use
for development + deployment onto users' host?

Thank you.

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