On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 12:28 PM, Lluís Batlle i Rossell <vi...@viric.name>wrote:

> One thing is not be able to merge; the other is losing information
> silently.
> Very annoying.

It's not lost, per se, but it is (annoyingly) hidden in that case. The main
www UI doesn't (AFAIR) offer any features for browsing specific versions of
a page, and offers no diff for wiki pages, so it is not straightforward to
go find the "lost" data. So yes, it's "effectively" lost, but not "really"

(just thinking out loud...)
i'm not quite sure we even _could_ sanely manage merge conflicts because
wiki pages are committed directly without the benefit of a fork-check via
autosync, which means that two people could commit pages on their repo
copies and a merge problem could not be detected until the sync with the
main repo. We would have no choice but to force a fork in that case (and to
somehow decide which one gets forked, or fork all of them).

i'm sure nobody would object to someone expanding the wiki bits to take
part in the tag/branch/merge mechanisms. :)

----- stephan beal
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