On Thu, 23 May 2013 13:34:17 -0400, Richard Hipp
<d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>Copy/pasting the text to this mailing list is one way.  Or email the
>contribution to one of the many Fossil committers is another approach.

Here it is. It's a way to access Fossil from Microsoft's Express IDE,
at least to use common commands:

Integrating Fossil in the Microsoft Express 2010 IDE

The Express version of Visual Studio doesn't support add-in's and
plug-in's, but it's not an issue since it's still possible to use
Fossil through the External Tools menu and Fossil is a CLI application

1. Tools > Settings > Expert Settings

2. Tools > External Tools, where the items in this list map to
"External Tool X" that we'll add to our own Fossil menu later:
   1. Rename the default "[New Tool 1]" to eg. "Commit"
   2. Change Command to where Fossil is located eg. "c:\fossil.exe"
   3. Change Arguments to the required command, eg. "commit -m". The
user will be prompted to type the comment that Commit expects
   4. Set "Initial Directory" to point it to the work directory where
the source files are currently checked out by Fossil (eg.
c:\Workspace). It's also possible to use system variables such as
"$(ProjectDir)" instead of hard-coding the path
   5. Check "Prompt for arguments", since Commit requires typing a 
      comment. Useless for commands like Changes that don't require 
   6. Uncheck "Close on Exit", so we can see what Fossil says before
closing the DOS box. Note that "Use Output Window" will display the
output in a child window within the IDE instead of opening a DOS box 
   7. Click on OK

3. Tools > Customize > Commands
   1. With "Menu bar = Menu Bar" selected, click on "Add New Menu". A
new "Fossil" menu is displayed in the IDE's menu bar
   2. Click on "Modify Selection" to rename it "Fossil", and
   3. Use the "Move Down" button to move it lower in the list

4. Still in Customize dialog: In the "Menu bar" combo, select the new
Fossil menu you just created, and Click on "Add Command...": From
Categories, select Tools, and select "External Command 1". Click on
Close. It's unfortunate that the IDE doesn't say which command maps to
"External Command X".

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