Wow, I didn't expect this attention.  Let me reply in detail.

>>> I'm testing Fossil by migrating a bunch of Mercurial repositories.
>>> Unlike Git, Mercurial tracks file renames.  However, in order to
>>> create a Fossil repository I have to follow the Mercurial -> Git ->
>>> Fossil path.
>> Is there a better way?  Can we create a direct Hg->Fossil importer?
> Seriously - is there a description of the Hg format someplace that is
> sufficient detailed to be able export the repo file?
> Note that there is no such description of "git".  There is a format
> description for git-fast-export which is "ok" but not great.

For now it's enough.  Besides, there are only two ways I know of
exporting "changesets" (i.e. commits in Mercurial jargon):

  1. An exported changeset, which looks like a patch with a header.

  2. The wire protocol (or bundle), which I believe has a durable
     format, for backwards compatibility reasons.  However, I still need
     to have a look at it.

On the other hand, there are also two ways of converting from Mercurial
to Git:

  1. Via the fast-export scripts:


  2. By pushing from a Mercurial repo to a Git repository with the aid
     of the hg-git extension:

Whether we like it or not, Mercurial users have to deail with Git's
network effect so the situation has to be accepted as it is.  Therefore,
I don't think that developing a straight importer from Mercurial is
worth the effort.

>> On the first conversion I lose file copying/renaming information.
>> But the "git fast-export" command has the -M and -C switches to
>> enable copy/rename detection heuristics.  Therefore, the last
>> conversion step looks like:
>>     git fast-export -M -C --all | fossil import --git ../myrepo.fossil
>> The good news is that the heuristics work, as Fossil fails with the
>> following message:
>>     cannot handle R records, use --full-tree
>> Which would be understandable if it was a completely unsupported
>> caes.  Nevertheless, I searched for the place where the error
>> originates and I found this:
> I apparently wrote that particular code.  But if I ever knew what an
> "R" record was, I have now forgotten.  You might try commenting out
> the fossil_fatal() call at the end of that code block to see what
> happens.  If that doesn't work, somebody is going to need to spend a
> day or say reverse-engineering the rename-support in git-fast-export.

Sounds like an interesting challenge.  I'll try to make time this
weekend to take a look.

> Do you have a git-fast-export output file that you can send me for
> testing purposes (perhaps via private email)?

Right now I'm using private code for testing.  But in a day or two I can
look for my published repositories from which I can sure prepare a
similar scenario.

My initial motivation of all this copy and rename issue was to see if
having the rename information would guide or help delta generation and
provide better repository compression.  I have special interest, even a
bit irrational I must admit, in testing how Fossil's repository size
responds to renames as I tend to reorganize code quite often.  Specially
since Mercurial suffers a bit dramatically in most cases.

Thanks for your time.  Best regards.

Isaac Jurado

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding."
                                  Leonardo da Vinci
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