On 17 June 2013 15:36, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
>> 3) notice the cloned repo is too small; roughly 19 MB instead of
>> expected 311 MB as on the http host (this may be irrelevant - no
>> idea.)
> Where are you seeing this 311MB number?  See
> http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/stat for the current repo size on the host.
> Looks like 29MB.  19MB might be a reasonable clone.

Thank you, I didn't know the 'stat' command. Result: 311085056 bytes (311.1MB)

BTW, I didn't mean to imply that the 'repo is too small' really; I
cannot judge that. What I meant was that it seemed too small on first
sight, of course.

> What does "fossil ui" do?  Do you get the entire repository?

On the http host, providing the repo file as argument failed ("Error
showing url: Operation not supported" - I tried setting web-browser to
full path of firefox, which failed as well). 'fossil server -P 8080
/fossils/my_fossil.fossil' worked, and showed the full history and
full fileset.

On the http client, providing the clined 19MB repo file as argument: I
see the timeline with only the initial checkin as in the original
mail. I see no files (which would correspond to the set of files in
the repo at the time of that checkin).

> What does "fossil test-integrity" say?

On the http host, locally:

$ f test-integrity /fossils/my_fossil.fossil
2066 non-phantom blobs (out of 2066 total) checked:  0 errors

On the http client, after clone:

C:\proj\repo>f test-integrity my_fossil.fossil
checksum mismatch on artifact 15: wanted
91058d6d3dd1df16e04942a59bc970c7bcc04b61 but got
checksum mismatch on artifact 16: wanted
216c9bd264a36f9f4c9a88e2c42b0d30f3e48026 but got
skip phantom 18 66e7811833dc5230df72a98c5edf840b9001b084 checksum
mismatch on artifact 547: wanted
37a1de3e9441fcaf8371acb4f5ad216bf1ff9712 but got
546 non-phantom blobs (out of 547 total) checked:  3 errors

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