Greetings All,

We're looking at using Fossil due to its support for ticketing (among other
things), and I'm the designated point man to figure it all out and teach
the rest of the lazy SOBs -- I mean developer team -- how it all works. :)
Looks like a very nice bit of work, from what I've seen so far. ;) I
confess that the "up and running in 5 minutes" tutorial took me
considerably longer since I'm on Windows and had to work a few things out
that weren't crystal clear. Perhaps incorporating some lessons learned into
the "5 minute" intro might save other Windows users some time.

First thing I wanted to was convert the .gitignore file I use with Visual
Studio to Fossil's format. This is a typical one:

Since I don't think glob format includes a comment symbol, I just ran
things together like so:

 etc. That seems to work even without putting trailing asterisks on
folders, e.g. */[Bb]in/*.

Then you run into Windows quirks, such as the fact that you can't create a
folder starting with a . from within the Explorer GUI, so creating a
.fossil-settings folder at the project root and then a .ignore-glob file in
that has to be done via the command line. So far so good. But then I
decided I wanted to globally set crnl-glob to "*" to avoid having to type
--no-warnings at every check-in, but following what I could find online
only resulted in Fossil telling me I was being a knucklehead by repeatedly
responding  with the usage hint. It turns out that an asterisk in single
quotes does the trick on Windows, i.e. fossil settings crnl-glob '*'
--global. FWIW.

Some questions:

1) Coming from using Mercurial and Git, I'm using to firing up Visual
Studio and getting to work without any source control prep. If the Fossil
repository isn't open at the root of my project (i.e. no _FOSSIL_ file) and
I then open it to commit changes I made while it was closed, it will first
prompt to overwrite the changed files. That makes sense, and I can decline
the overwrites and then commit, but it would seem that the desired workflow
would be to open the repository before starting to work. I even found a
blog entry that claims "Fossil doesn't like it" if you don't do that. Is
there any threat beyond perhaps accidentally overwriting work? Related to
that, is it necessary to close the repository when you're done, or is it OK
to leave it  "open" between sessions, reboots, etc.? I just want to make
sure I understand the workflow to recommend and why.

2) I played with cloning a repository locally on the same drive, and
autosync worked as expected. But of course I don't want to host the master
repository for a project on my local drive, lest the drive fail. What would
be the preferred method for sharing multiple repositories using a shared
Windows fileserver? Simply throwing the files on a shared drive doesn't
seem right due to locking and contention issues(?). Would the preferred
method be creating the Windows service to share a number of .fossil
repositories, and then people can clone and autosync to the various URLs
presented by the service? Thank you,

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