On Jun 21, 2013 9:32 AM, "Stephan Beal" <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hiho,
> In a repo of mine (not fossil) i just made a commit faux pas by not
entering the _one_ filename i wanted on the command line, and instead
committing several others i wasn't ready to commit. So now i want to add a
fossil feature but thought i'd run it through the crowd for opinions or
alternatives before i code a feature of out frustration ;).
> The hypothetical usage and effect would look like this:
> $ fossil config set empty-commit-warn
> $ fossil commit -m '...'
> No file names provided. Really continue? [y/N]

I realize this check is early in the commit phase, but now I wonder:
barring pushed/autosync'd content, can one "pop" or unwind the last commit
of a local repo?

> The warning would only show if empty-commit-warn (or whatever name we
chose) is on, of course (default=off).
> :-?
> --
> ----- stephan beal
> http://wanderinghorse.net/home/stephan/
> http://gplus.to/sgbeal
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