On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 1:06 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi, all,
> As most of you know, work has begun on a prototype of what i unfortunately
> dubbed "fossil v2." As it turns out, everything i want to do can be done on
> top of current repos, with no repo-level incompatibilities (so far, at
> least). That means it's not "really" v2, but instead provides an alternate
> interface for v1 repos[1]. So... in light of that insight i am looking for
> a new name for the prototype code and am hoping you guys have some nice
> ideas.
> Things to keep in mind while coming up with a name:
> a) this is in no way official. The prototype is just that, and an
> experiment. It's coming along nicely so far, and it can open repos, but not
> do much of anything useful (e.g. no writing to the db yet and no timeline -
> timeline's coming up shortly, though).
> b) i'm looking to name the library, not the application. In the grand Unix
> tradition, however, applications often inherit part of their name from the
> underlying framework or library, so the chosen name might end up sticking
> around a while.
> c) The name will likely determine the name of the main header and library
> files. So that's the prize for the best idea (by vote, but DRH and i get
> extra votes ;) - the winner will have chosen the names clients will see
> when they do:
>   #include <libfossil-or-whatever.h>
> or:
>   gcc ... -lfossil-or-whatever
> The obvious choices include:
> - libfossil - nothing wrong with that, IMO.
> - libfsl
> - flib - is already used by several projects
> - libdino
> - lib<name of some specific dinosaur species>

Dino names?

Or maybe codasaurus (pronounced code-asurus)?

I vote to stick with fossil.

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