On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 07:45:16PM -0600, Andy Bradford wrote:
> Thus said Richard Hipp on Sat, 10 Aug 2013 20:45:31 -0400:
> > (1) Put all of  the Fossil repositories you want to  share in a single
> > directory, say  "/home/fossil/repos". Make  sure all  repository files
> > are named  using the *.fossil  pattern. (Technically, you  can scatter
> > the repositories out  in a directory hierarchy, but  let's keep things
> > simple for now.)
> > 
> > (2) Run "fossil server -port 8888 /home/fossil/repos"
> Instead, do steps 1 and 2.  At this point, the user should do:
> ssh -L 4444: freebsdhost
> And then they can clone from there:
> fossil clone http://user@
> This will encrypt  the connection from their PC to  freebsdhost. It will
> not have encrypted communication on port 8888, but the traffic is all on
> localhost.
> With the SSH changes I've been working it steps 1 and 2 are not required
> and they can clone this way instead:
> fossil clone -l username ssh://fossil@freebsdhost/repos/project.fossil 
> project.fossil

Thank you.  This looks like it will probably suit our needs quite well
for the time being.  I'll investigate further on my own at this point,
though if any more informative replies come through I'll of course learn
from them as well.

Dr. Hipp's series of suggestions have, of course, also been informative
for me, and while I do intend to expand capabilities to the point where
a separate webserver (probably nginx) is involved for some purposes as
described in one of his replies, for now I just need something quick,
effective, and secure to get some projects underway.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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