Thanks for all your information about issues related to axTLS.  Not
everything you said warrants a specific response from me, but the
"thanks" is my general response for everything to which I do not
specifically respond below.

Specific comments follow.

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 01:21:37PM +0200, Rene wrote:
> On 2013-08-10 04:21, Chad Perrin wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 04, 2013 at 01:06:38PM +0200, Rene wrote:
> > 
> > The reason I choose axTLS
> > 
> > . . . snip . . .
> > 
> > 
> > If this is of interest  I can add it on a branch.
> > 
> > I find it pretty interesting.  The biggest problem I see with axTLS is
> > the protocol support limitation you identified.
> > 
> > Are there good howtos for using axTLS out there on the web somewhere?
> No there isn't. I used the information from to 
> create the fossil interface.

I hadn't been able to find any.  I'm glad it's not just me who couldn't
find them, but at the same time bummed that it means you can't suggest
any for me.  Bit of a quandary, there.

> Having read your question about team setup on freebsd, My recommendation 
> is to go with ssh keys.

That's my plan.  My interest in axTLS is actually mostly unrelated to
Fossil, though I support there being options other than OpenSSL or
GnuTLS.  In fact, both OpenSSL and (especially) GnutTLS have license
compatibility problems that frankly annoy the crap out of me, and axTLS
licensing neatly solves that if it also solves the technical needs of a

> Much simpler provided that all you need/want is cmdline access.
> With the standard ssh functionality you can get by. The only minor thing 
> in that setup is that the log is not recording the user that did 
> clone/sync/pull/push but the fossil owner. I quess that  is easy enough 
> to fix. But do use forced commands otherwise people can gain access to 
> the fossil account. If you so wish to prevent logins. Or prevent logins 
> by using the shell /bin/nologin.

Err . . . wait.  Is it not logging the *user*, or just the IP address?
What would it log in place of the actual authenticated Fossil user
account that initiated the sync?

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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