Ooh, I love bikeshedding.

What about "libfree" as a portmanteau of lib, fossil, and three? I guess
that crosses the line into humor a bit.

More seriously though, fossil(3) is my favorite, but it does make it sound
like it's an official part of the fossil project and actually implies, at
least to me, that fossil(1) is built on top of it. Whether or not that
implication is common and / or appropriate I'll leave to you to negotiate
with Richard.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi, all,
> The current list of "upvoted" names (no, Brad, urvogel's not one of them
> ;) for the on-going/up-coming library API includes (in my personal order of
> preference, but i'm not emotionally attached to these):
> - libfossil-scm and fossil(3)
> - libfossil
> - liblissof (fossil, backwards, because that's what this approach to
> Fossil is)
> i think that was about it? i _really_ liked the idea of the name (i've
> forgotten) which was a reference to a "famously fake fossil," but i have
> been warned by one wiser than myself to avoid attempts at humorous names
> (his example being "libiberty") and i tend to agree with him that such
> attempts eventually backfire in some way, shape, or form. (Side-note for
> history buffs: go look up the history of the mail reader "Alpine"'s name,
> going all the way back to the first mail program ("mail").)
> i'm still completely open for names but i keep finding myself writing
> "libfossil" and "fossil(3)" everywhere (i'm a doc fanatic), and would like
> to settle on one or the other relatively soon.
> Likewise, but of interest only to C coders, the main headers currently
> look like:
> #include <fossil-scm/fossil.h> // public API
> #include <fossil-scm/fsl_internal.h> // internal/pseudo-private API, will
> rename to fossil-internal.h eventually, for consistency
> If you C programmers feel strongly for some other convention, please speak
> up. You can peak at the code-related conventions here:
> http://fossil.wanderinghorse.net/repos/f2/doxygen/
> (see the bottom half of that first page)
> and i am not emotionally attached to many of those, so feel free to
> suggest, e.g. better API name prefixes. The vast majority of things like
> that are trivial to refactor with a few lines of perl or sed (my main
> argument for keeping the repo db outside of the checkout dir, btw ;).
> Your opinions on the topic are much appreciated!
> --
> ----- stephan beal
> http://wanderinghorse.net/home/stephan/
> http://gplus.to/sgbeal
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