On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Chad Perrin <c...@apotheon.net> wrote:

> I'd like to be kept abreast of how you accomplish that in an automated
>  manner.  I too would like to do that with some projects of mine, but
> it's low enough on the priority list for my own stuff right now that I
> won't get to it for a while.  If you end up doing the hard work of
> figuring out the best way to do it sooner than I'd get around to even
> starting, it could save me a lot of effort.
> It's all about me, after all.

Right back at ya ;).

> > That said, i do appreciate (==love/hate) the power of marketing and i
> would
> > be very appreciative if someone would take over such a role :). How does
> > the title of PR Manager sound to you :)?
> . . . kinda like that plea for assistance right there.

i am by no means too proud to accept assistance, especially for areas i
have little interest or skill in (PR being one of them - i value it but
don't do it well).

> An acquaintance and I might be able to contribute to it in the meantime.
We're interested in a C API for Fossil being available for production
> use some time in the next year or so, and as such might be motivated to
> hack on it.  We'll have to discuss it and let you know if we're up for
> it, if you'd like to see some concerted contribution effort from us.

The only requirement for code submissions is that a license/copyright
waiver be on file with DRH, so that this code can be kept license-clean
vis-a-vis fossil(1) (from which it borrows a huge (and growing) amount of
code). Any sort of assistance, coding or not, is more than welcomed. As far
as "in the next year or so" goes, my very rough guess is that it will take
about until about the end of the year to get most of the fossil(1)
functionality, minus the HTML and networking bits, working at a usable
equivalent level. That might be pessimistic, though: as of a few moments
ago, the formerly-missing low-level pieces of SCM machinery are in place
and working in libfossil. The "verify at commit" bits were just added,
which frees me up to experiment a bit more without concern about completely
breaking my repo during experimentation/testing. Now it's mainly about
tweaking those core APIs and adding the "real" functionality on top of
that. e.g. you can save a wiki page _if_ you know how to brew the secret
sauce (it's not hard, but it's a bit tedious), but the APIs for working
with them at a higher level have yet to be developed (it's an ongoing

If you decide you'd like to contribute code, the waiver can be found here:


and needs to be snail-mailed to DRH (address is in the form).

----- stephan beal
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