Thus said John Long on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:57:01 -0000:

> There  are two  "value  added" things  digital  signing provides  over
> hashing in this specific example when  fossil uses SHA1. One, a person
> is taking  responsibility for a commit  and saying "I did  this". Two,
> PGP  can use  much  stronger hashes  than SHA1.  What  problem are  we
> trying to  solve? If  we're worried  about detecting  inadvertant data
> corruption, then SHA1 is very likely good enough.

As to your question of what problem the SHA1 is used to solve:

    2.1 Identification Of Artifacts

    A  particular  version  of  a   particular  file  is  called  an
    "artifact". Each artifact has a universally unique name which is
    the  SHA1 hash  of  the content  of that  file  expressed as  40
    characters of lower-case hexadecimal. Such a hash is referred to
    as the Artifact Identifier or  Artifact ID for the artifact. The
    SHA1 algorithm is created with the purpose of providing a highly
    forgery-resistant identifier  for a file.  Given any file  it is
    simple  to find  the  artifact ID  for that  file.  But given  a
    artifact ID it is computationally intractable to generate a file
    that will have that Artifact ID.


    Changing (or adding or removing) a single byte in a file results
    in a completely different artifact ID. And since the artifact ID
    is the name of the artifact, making any change to a file results
    in a new artifact. In this way, artifacts are immutable.

TAI64 timestamp: 40000000521e009b

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