2013/10/27 Jan Danielsson <jan.m.daniels...@gmail.com>:
>    The jan-httpsproxytunnel branch has been tested on NetBSD, Mac OS X,
> Linux and Windows against three different proxies, at two very different
> environments, and it is working well.
>    Feedback from people more accustomed to the world of http proxies
> would be appreciated.

I'm not that accustomed, but I have an environment where I cannot use
https without proxy, so I gave your branch a try:

    >fossil sync https://jan.nijtmans:*********@www.fossil-scm.org/fossil
    via proxy:

    SSL verification failed: self signed certificate in certificate chain
    Certificate received:

      organizationalUnitName    = Domain Control Validated
      commonName                = sqlite.org

    Issued By:

      countryName               = US
      stateOrProvinceName       = Arizona
      localityName              = Scottsdale
      organizationName          = GoDaddy.com, Inc.
      organizationalUnitName    = http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository
      commonName                = Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority
      serialNumber              = 07969287

    SHA1 Fingerprint:

      4b f9 e1 b5 33 be 92 9b 94 9b 89 a5 ea 3e 74 f7 91 b0 32 0a

     * verify the certificate is correct using the SHA1 fingerprint above
     * use the global ssl-ca-location setting to specify your CA root
       certificates list

    If you are not expecting this message, answer no and contact your
server administrator.

    Accept certificate for host (a=always/y/N)? y
    Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
    Error: login failed
    password for jan.nijtmans: *********
    Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0

    SSL verification failed: self signed certificate in certificate chain
    Certificate received:

      organizationalUnitName    = Domain Control Validated
      commonName                = sqlite.org

    Issued By:

      countryName               = US
      stateOrProvinceName       = Arizona
      localityName              = Scottsdale
      organizationName          = GoDaddy.com, Inc.
      organizationalUnitName    = http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository
      commonName                = Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority
      serialNumber              = 07969287

    SHA1 Fingerprint:

      4b f9 e1 b5 33 be 92 9b 94 9b 89 a5 ea 3e 74 f7 91 b0 32 0a

     * verify the certificate is correct using the SHA1 fingerprint above
     * use the global ssl-ca-location setting to specify your CA root
       certificates list

    If you are not expecting this message, answer no and contact your
server administrator.

    Accept certificate for host (a=always/y/N)? a

    Save this certificate as fully trusted (a=always/N)? a
    Round-trips: 25   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 1144
    Sync finished with 123108 bytes sent, 559300 bytes received

    >fossil sync
    Sync with https://jan.nijtm...@www.fossil-scm.org/fossil
    via proxy:
    Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
    Error: login failed
    password for jan.nijtmans: *********
    Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
    Sync finished with 2526 bytes sent, 1281 bytes received

    >fossil sync
    Sync with https://jan.nijtm...@www.fossil-scm.org/fossil
    via proxy:
    Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
    Error: login failed
    password for jan.nijtmans: *********
    Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
    Sync finished with 2521 bytes sent, 1281 bytes received

Trying the same with stock fossil:
    >fossil sync
    Sync with https://jan.nijtm...@www.fossil-scm.org/fossil
    via proxy:
    Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
    Error: login failed
    missing or incorrect password for user "jan.nijtmans"

This means that your work is certainly an improvement: I am
able to perform a sync using https through a proxy, while
previously that was not possible at all. The only stange
thing is that apparently the password (for the
fossil repository) is not stored, so with every sync a
"login failed" error appears and I have to type the
password. After typing the correct password, the sync

So, if this little thing could be fixed as well, it would be perfect!

          Jan Nijtmans
fossil-users mailing list

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