On 28 December 2013 14:48, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Michai Ramakers <m.ramak...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I find myself searching for a description of the exact syntax of the
>> 'ignore-glob' setting every time I use it - in particular, use of
>> wildcards to specify 'a single subdir', 'a number of subdirs', and
>> possibly grouping like sh's "{..,..}".
>> Is this documented somewhere?
> Hi, Michai,
> It is documented, but not somewhere where the average user will find it:
> http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact/968a3f5b9e203af3053939639533ee7b26259836?ln=143-157

I had to laugh a bit, thank you for that :)
But ok, without looking at the code hard, I conclude that a file/path
is passed in as opaque string, and matched against the glob. So '*'
will cross directory-boundaries ('/') in the file-/path-name.

I'm not sure what would happen for multiple '*' in a glob-string, but
I think there are no use-cases for that, at least not here.

> there are no wildcards which restrict behaviour to a specific subdir, and
> i'm not certain if the following (or something similar) would work for the
> ignore-glob:
> temp/*

Right. I just tried that here; in my head it should work, and indeed
it does (i.e. files in 'temp' are ignored for e.g. the 'extra'

Thanks for the clue,

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