I have been using C for many more projects over the past year.  I enjoy writing 
projects in C because they are fast, reasonably portable (across unices), and 
have a small footprint.  The coding style is natural to me and I enjoy having 
insight into some of the lower level details.

I approach the language with caution, however, due to its pointy sharp edges.  
It seems that wherever I turn on the Internet, others decry the notion of using 
C for anything other than low-level systems programming.  Creating a web app in 
C seems universally panned, and the Internet questions the sanity of all who 
attempt it.  Fossil has carved out its own little niche in the face of this.

My sense is that this list is rife with C aficionados, or at least people who 
see the advantages, and I thought it might be fun to discuss a few techniques 
we use to create secure, stable applications using this language.

I realize this might be a little off-topic for the fossil users list, and I 
apologize in advance for that.  Call it my end-of-year indulgence.  I think 
it's an advantage, though, because we might be able to get better viewpoints 
than those we so often find on the internet (particularly from Richard).

For those who use/prefer C, how do you make sure your applications are secure?  
Is there a concise, pragmatic summary of techniques for secure code?

What pitfalls do you encounter with C and how do you address these?  It seems 
like the biggest issue is lack of standard data types.

What advice would you give to someone who spent the last year getting 
comfortable with the C environment and wants to take advantage of all it has to 


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