On 6 January 2014 12:53, Martin Gagnon <eme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 06, 2014 at 09:24:53AM +0100, Michai Ramakers wrote:
>> Hello,
>   [snip]
>> Is there a better way to do this..? Alternately, when diff'ing in the
>> fossil web-UI by clicking/selecting the old checkin first, then the
>> head, is there a way to only show Modified files?
> I recently merge a small change on trunk with this capability. Right
> now, you have a button "Hide Diff" (which mean show list of modified
> files only) when clicking on 2 commits from timeline. There's also a
> setting to hide the diff by default if you want.

ah, is that the 'sbs=' option to vdiff? If so, what I meant was: can I
somehow only see a list of Modified files, instead of a list of Added,
Deleted and Modified? (I am already using 'sbs=0').

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