I saw some threads on this topic from 2011, but wanted to see if there was
any change or decision since then.

I have fossil repos hosted on an Apache server with REMOTE_USER enabled. If
I attempt to clone via the following commands:

fossil clone https://usern...@fossil.example.tld/repo/test.fossil

The result is:

password for username:
fossil: server says: 401 Authorization Required

Clone finished with 252 bytes sent, 699 bytes received
fossil: server returned an error - clone aborted

I get a 401 error from the web server. I would like to authenticate either
via Basic Authentication or a KRB5 TGT if possible. Any suggestions? I am
not in a position to enable fossil authentication - I need to use the web
authentication due to boundary conditions.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Tal Yardeni
Recent Fossil Convert
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