I've been using Fossil as an SCM for one of my projects for about a
year now.  The program uses a GUI toolkit "A", and since I wanted to
experiment with alternative toolkits "B" & "C", some time ago I copied
projname.fossil to projname-B.fossil and projname-C.fossil, created
new branches B and C in the two new repositories, and worked from
there on my experimental changes.

Now that I have more experience with Fossil, I think I probably should
have created private branches using the original repository instead.
So, is it possible to retroactively accomplish this?  I can pull from
the main repository into the two secondary ones, but is it possible to
then make branches B & C private retroactively?  The documentation
only mentions creating a private branch with the first commit.

Also, the documentation says on one hand that creating a private
branch results in a new branch named "private", which would seem to
imply there can be only one private branch, but then later implies
that there can be more than one ("You can remove all private
branches...").  Can anyone clarify the situation?


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