On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Andreas Kupries

> How sensible do you think would it be to have a (limited-size)
> (in-memory|disk) cache to hold the most recently requested tarballs ?
> That way a high-demand tarball, etc. would be computed only once and
> then served statically from the cache.

FWIW: i was scratching down ideas for this very idea today for the
libfossil CGI demos because i don't like the memory cost of generate ZIP
files from script code. Caching the (say) 10 most recent ZIPs could
alleviate some of my load concerns. It need not be a synchable table, nor
in one which survives a rebuild.

Note that I actually see this as a possible complement to the load mgmt
> feature.
> The cache would help if demand is high for a small number of
> revisions, whereas load mgmt would kick in and restrict load if the
> access pattern of revisions is sufficiently random/spread out to
> negate the cache (i.e. cause it to thrash).


> would require more work to set up and admin. And might be a problem
> for the truly dynamic parts of the fossil web ui. An integrated cache
> just for the assets which are expensive to compute and yet
> (essentially) static does not have these issues.

In my experience, most proxies won't cache for requests which have URL
parameters. Whether or not that's generally true, i can't say. For static
content (lots of what fossil serves is static), the URLs can/should be
written as /path/arg1/arg2, rather than /path?arg1=...&arg2=..., to make
them "potentially more cacheable".

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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