On 19-3-2014 18:28, Ron Wilson wrote:
    Does fossil need a G+ page (or FB page, or AOL page, for that
    matter) where that type of thing can be posted? i, for one, wouldn't
    mind manning a G+ community.

I don't think Fossil *needs* a Google+ page; but it's always an extra channel for Fossil users.

    (Or is there perhaps one i've missed so far? A cursory search
    revealed none.)

There is also freecode.com <http://freecode.com>. Fossil has a listing
there, but it is out of date.

Does anybody know who the maintainer is?

Freecode seems to have an API, and so do Google+ and Facebook. It should be feasible to write a script that parses the downloads page for new versions, and publish the new version (including "what's new") to those pages, no?

IMHO, it would be sufficient if such a script were to run once a day.

That could make it easier to avoid forgetting a new release.
Martijn Coppoolse
fossil-users mailing list

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