On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Michael Weise <michael.we...@ek-team.de>wrote:

> Now I've spent about 1 hour to find out how to check out a branch in
> fossil. This might sound ridiculous, but I'm rather new to version
> control systems and here is what happened:

Jumping to the end for a moment:

fossil checkout branchname

> $ fossil branch
>   gcc_port
> * trunk

branch is for creating/listing branches.

> Then I thought, there must be some command to checkout the repository.
> "fossil help" lists 43 commands, but not the "checkout" command.

(I overlooked the hint about the -a, because I expected the "checkout"
> command to be one of the 10 most important commands). So I concluded
> the checkout command must have another name or the mechanism in fossil
> might be different from git. Then I started to search the documentation:

"co" is an alias for checkout

> The branching website mentiones checkouts ... but no command.

This is probably a case of "we thought it was obvious." i can't remember
anyone voicing this much concern about this point before.

> Then I used my favourite search engine to find the mailing list
> archives and *there* I found "fossil co" mentioned as an alias for
> "fossil checkout".

"fossil help checkout" says the same thing, but of course that only helps
if you know the "checkout" command.

> There might be other users who try out fossil as their first VCS and
> the "fossil checkout" command is mentioned *nowhere* in the
> documentation for beginners. I think it should be *at least*

# f help
Usage: f help COMMAND
Common COMMANDs:  (use "f help -a|--all" for a complete list)
add         changes     gdiff       open        rss         ui
addremove   clean       help        praise      settings    undo
all         clone       import      pull        sqlite3     update
annotate    commit      info        push        stash       version
bisect      diff        init        rebuild     status
blame       export      ls          remote-url  sync
branch      extras      merge       revert      tag
cat         finfo       mv          rm          timeline

Weird. i'll fix that tonight unless one of the other devs says there was a
reason why co/checkout was left out of that list. (In practice, though,
checkout generally tends to only be used only once for a given local repo

> * In the quick start guide, section "checking out a local tree"
> http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/quickstart.wiki

That page has the section "checkout out a local tree." There's no need to
go into branching on the quickstart page. Branching is not a quickstart

> * In the list of commands displayed by "fossil help"

i'll get that added tonight unless someone objects for some reason.

----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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