2014-03-22 18:47 GMT+01:00 Benedikt Ahrens <benedikt.ahr...@gmx.net>:
> I am confused by fossil ignore and clean behaviour.
> I have a lot of files, recognizable by extension, that I would like to
> ignore when calling "fossil status" (1), but delete when calling "fossil
> clean" (2).

Well, "fossil clean" is not supposed to clean files that are specified
with the "ignore-glob" setting, neither does "git clean" clean files
specified with .gitignore. The "clean-glob" setting indeed doesn't
help very much.

Git's "clean" command has a "-x" option just for that. Fossil
has a "cleanX" branch implementing the same for fossil, but
this branch didn't pass fossil's review process yet.

A pour-mans solution you could use is:
    fossil clean --ignore ""
but this command ask for confirmation for every file being
deleted, so that doesn't really help if there are a lot of them.
    fossil clean --ignore "" --force
This one is dangerous! All files, including the ones you possibly
forgot to "fossil add" will be removed without notice.

The "fossil clean -x" command should be an intermediate
between the two mentioned "fossil clean" variants: All files
matching "ignore-glob" will be deleted without notice, but
for other clean candidates it ask for confirmation first.

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Hope this helps,
      Jan Nijtmans
fossil-users mailing list

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