Hi, all,

another minor milestone has been reached in the long and glorious libfossil
effort: a CLI app which can generate diffs of arbitrary versions:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/libfossil/f-apps]$ ./f-vdiff prev current
DIFF: a4835dda ==> afaa2806 f-apps/f-adiff.c
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
   if(fcli_flag2("h", "html", NULL)){
     diffOpt.diffFlags |= FSL_DIFF_HTML;
-  if(isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)
+  if(fsl_isatty(1)
      && !fcli_flag2("bw", "no-color", NULL)){
     diffOpt.diffFlags |= FSL_DIFF_ANSI_COLOR;
DIFF: 06ec7bc2 ==> 3ed78c3d f-apps/f-vdiff.c
@@ -24,15 +24,42 @@
 /* #include "fossil-scm/fossil-internal.h" */

(The output isn't quiet conventions-conformant yet, but the app is only
about 30 minutes old.)

A summary of features and bugs:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/libfossil/f-apps]$ f-vdiff prev current -?
f-vdiff [options]version1 version2

--from|-v1=VERSION the first version. May optionally be provided as the
first non-flag argument.

--to|-v2=VERSION the second version. May optionally be provided as the
second non-flag argument.

--width|-w=INTEGER enables side-by-side diffs width the given width.

--sbs is equivalent to --width=SOME_UNSPECIFIED_DEFAULT.

--no-color|-bw disables ANSI colorizing of output.

--html generates an HTML-format diff.

--invert|-i inverts the diffs (not the versions nor other displayed
components, e.g. ordering of UUIDs).

--glob|-g=STRING only lists changes to filenames matching the given glob.
There is probably a corner case or two involving renamed files, in
particular when diffing against more than one version away from the

1) this app cannot currently diff against the checkout version. All the
pieces are in place, it just needs to be done.
2) The unified diff(-like) output is not quite yet patch-compatible.

Whenever you're ready to try out alternatives to some of Fossil's features:


PS: for interested C coders: the implementation was not all that difficult,
but it does require an understanding of how to traverse "manifests" in


----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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