On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 06:36:38PM +0200, Stephan Beal wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Chad Perrin <c...@apotheon.net> wrote:
> >
> > . . . so basically I need to list wiki pages to figure out what I want,
> > export a page, edit that, then commit it to overwrite what's already
> > there, one file at a time, rather than having a checked out directory of
> > wiki stuff I can just edit and commit as I would a normal set of
> > repository files.  Is that correct?
> Correct.
> >
> > It seems cumbersome
> Correct.

That's . . . encouraging.

> >
> > , but I'll see if it's so cumbersome that I'd rather
> > just use the HTML interface, or whether it actually suits my needs.
> >
> Sounds like a plan. Suggestions are welcomed.
> I haven't really looked at the "embedded docs" thing yet to see whether
> > that's something I should be using, but I definitely need the wiki
> > interface for at least some projects, and would like to be able to edit
> > them in much the same way I can edit standard repository files, so the
> > "embedded docs" feature doesn't seem to solve all my problems in this
> > regard.
> >
> Embedded docs are normal repository files, You can edit them with emacs
> (doesn't work with anything else ;) and preview them with "fossil
> server/ui" using the path /doc/ckout/path/to/the/file (i think that's the
> right path, anyway). But you can't edit them from the HTML interface (nor
> the JSON API), largely because they _are_ normal files and thus are managed
> using the normal commit mechanism (which requires a checkout, which remote
> CGI/server instances normally do not have access to).

Okay, yeah, that'll be handy -- but not suitable for my need/desire to
make the wiki editable from the console (obviously), as I definitely
need to make wiki pages available for editing from the web interface as
well.  Does the embedded docs feature do markdown formatting?

Wait.  I'll go look at documentation so you don't have to start
answering questions that are easily answered by doing some research.

Oh, never mind, the embedded docs won't do me any good, because I use
FreeBSD, not GNU/Emacs.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]
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