My apologies if this is too long for reading, but I hope you'll bear with

I like the idea behind chiselapp, but am paranoid so I want to host
something similar for myself (and just myself) to keep things private. I
downloaded chiselapp and while it *could* work, I decided it was "more"
than I really needed, plus it is Apache centric and I run lighttpd. I have
"ported" configuration files from apache to lighttpd in the past, but just
didn't want to bother with it in this case.

To that end, I've started creating a few basic scripts to give me a front
end to fossil from a protected webpage on a secured server. I have a
directory with an index.php which enumerates a directory full of fossils
and gives me simple links to each fossil. I have a two line fossil cgi
script that gives me access to those repos. I've even created a little page
to allow me to change a password for a single user across all repos at one

My next goal is to script the creation of a new repository. I have the
"basics" down, in that I can easily use a form to get the needed command
line parameters and run a script to create the new repo. I'd like to go a
little further with it and set the project name & description, default
permissions, and so on.

It does not appear there is a command line based way to set certain
configuration options. I've dumped repos with "sqlite3 repo.fossil .dump"
to see how certain things work. To accomplish my goal:

1. Is there a fossil command line based way to set config options
(particularly project name and description) that I'm unaware of?

2. If there is not, is this something that could be done with the json api
via cli as it exists today?

3. If the json api is not an option at present, what is the significance of
the mtime field in the config table? Must it be set to some particular
valid value or would an initial value of "0" be okay. If that is the case
(or the proper default value is easily obtained / computed) I could easily
just use a little SQL to set the needed config table values.

FWIW, this is very plain looking stuff (I'm not a web guy at all) but I'd
be happy to share the scripts and such when I'm finished. Probably the most
useful part is just the scripts in the directory that give a front end that
enumerates the existing repositories.

Scott Robison
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