On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Igor de Oliveira Couto
<i...@semperuna.com> wrote:

> loving it. One point that I found somewhat disappointing, is that Fossil
> creates a ".fossil" database in my home directory.
> I know that many applications in Linux/Unix store their preferences and
> settings in dot-files, in the user's home directory - ie., "~/.myapp". This,
> however, is a Linux standard, and does not translate to other platforms.

Yes, this occurred to me as well, since I also use an OS (Haiku) that
specifies where certain files go ideally.  I had thought of providing
a patch so the .fossil ends up in a given user's settings directory,
but didn't get around to doing it, as I admit it slipped my mind until
now.  :)

> preferences, and so does the MacOS. The Apple guidelines are quite specific
> as to where applications should store their temporary, support and
> preference files, and the system provides *several* places that developer
> should use (and apps that don't are not considered 'good citizens'). There
> are also guidelines for the *naming* of such support files on all
> platforms...

Yes, in Haiku, settings should live in the B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY
(basically, you check against this macro and see what the system gives
you back).  That said, it happily works fine in ~ as Fossil does now.
I suppose it's not the "correct" way of doing things though, even if
it works fine and I doubt many or any people would notice.

> I believe that it should not be too difficult to add a check in the Fossil
> code, so that the name and location of the ".fossil" would vary, depending
> on the platform it's running in. I was going to add that as a request ticket
> to the Fossil repo, but saw that it was recommended that we run this by the
> user-list first, to see whether this is something that has been previously
> discussed or not.
> Is there a reason why this should not be added as a feature request?

Yes, I suppose it could be done, but as Stephan mentioned, it may be a
pain to keep this maintained as platforms may decide to change the
settings directories around, for example.  I know on Haiku we have
done this more than once, but well, we are still an immature platform,
so that is to be expected.  I don't expect such things on mature

If it were decided to add in the preferred settings directories for
additional platforms, I would gladly provide a patch for Haiku.  I
don't know anything about OS X though, personally, so I can't help

- joe
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