On Jun 7, 2014 12:44 PM, "Richard Hipp" <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> Years ago (decades ago, actually), somebody rigged up fopen() so that it
did automatic NL <-> CRNL conversions unless you used "rb" or "wb" as the
"type" parameter.  This seemed like a clever solution at the time and was
warmly embraced by many developers.
> However, with the passage of time, this auto-convert-by-fopen idea was
found to be a misfeature.  An anti-pattern.  It lead to a lot of bugs, and
a lot of work-around code.  It sometimes converts when you do not want it
to.  It sometimes fails to convert when you do want it to.  It is a general
nuisance and pain.

I would disagree to this extent: misuse of this feature is a problem, and
by extension ignorance of it is a problem (by which I mean those unfamiliar
with it,  not that you are ignorant of it). It is a platform / portability
concern feature, in that if you take pure C run time library based code
that uses the C platform standard of newline for EOL markers, you can
recompile it without modification and get a program that does the right
thing for whatever system (newline on unixen, CRLF for DOS & Windows, CR
only on classic Mac systems). They will generate text that can easily be
consumed on the platform and will be able to consume text created by other
programs that follow the platform's standard EOL convention.

I don't agree that the presence of the feature is a problem. If you meant
that the way it was implemented (an optional modification to a parameter to
fopen) is the misfeature, then I can agree that it would have been better
to do it some other way with 20/20 hindsight, but it was a reasonable
solution based on existing practice and "standardization" efforts of the
70s & 80s.

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