2014-07-09 0:05 GMT+02:00 Andy Bradford <amb-fos...@bradfords.org>:
> Or perhaps just making the documentation  more clear that all files must
> be valid UTF-8.

Oh no, fossil doesn't require at all that all files are valid UTF-8. Only
"fossil ui" assumes UTF-8 encoding for non-binary files, otherwise it
cannot display the file content in a reasonable way to the user. If the
file is not UTF-8, it just might look strange in the UI, that's all.

I added the possibility to convert file to a valid UTF-8 stream when
doing a "fossil commit". That will not always be what's desired, fossil
will convert è (0xe8) to è (0xc3 0xa8) for you if you answer 'c' to
the prompt. If you want something else (e.g. escaping)  fossil cannot
do that for you.

       Jan Nijtmans
fossil-users mailing list

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